Quotes by Carl Andre

About Carl Andre:

Carl Andre is an American minimalist artist recognized for his ordered linear format and grid format sculptures. His sculptures range from large public artworks (such as Stone Field Sculpture, 1977 in Hartford, CT and Lament for the Children, 1976 in Long Island City, NY) to more intimate tile patterns arranged on the floor of an exhibition space (such as 144 Lead Square, 1969 or Twenty-fifth Steel Cardinal, 1974). In 1988, Andre was tried and acquitted in the death of his wife, artist Ana Mendieta.

Author Bio

  • NameCarl Andre
  • DescriptionAmerican artist
  • BornSeptember 16, 1935
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionPainter; Sculptor; Artist; Writer
  • AwardsGuggenheim Fellowship