Quotes by Bret Hart

About Bret Hart:

Bret Hart is a Canadian American writer, actor and retired professional wrestler. A member of the Hart wrestling family and a second-generation wrestler, he has an amateur wrestling background, wrestling at Ernest Manning High School and Mount Royal College. Along with his nickname the "Hit Man", Hart was known by the monikers "The Excellence of Execution", "The Best There Is, The Best There Was and The Best There Ever Will Be" and "The Pink and Black Attack". He is credited with revolutionizing the industry in the early 1990s by bringing high quality, athletic in-ring performance to the fore. Olympic wrestling gold medalist and twelve-time world champion Kurt Angle said of Hart: "I used to watch matches of him so that I could learn the psychology of [pro] wrestling... in that ring, as a technician, there wasn't anybody better".

Author Bio

  • NameBret Hart
  • DescriptionCanadian professional wrestler, writer, and actor
  • BornJuly 2, 1957
  • CountryCanada
  • ProfessionActor; Writer