Quotes by Arlie Russell Hochschild

About Arlie Russell Hochschild:

Arlie Russell Hochschild is a professor emerita of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. Her books include: The Managed Heart, The Second Shift, The Time Bind, The Commercialization of Intimate Life and the co-edited Global Woman: nannies, maids and sex workers in the new economy. Her latest book is So How's the Family? And Other Essays. Hochschild explores the many ways we manage our emotions in personal life and also perform emotional labor in the American workplace and around the globe. For Hochschild's work on emotion management, see interviews (Key Pedagogic Thinkers) and (Emotional Labor Around the World: An Interview with Arlie Hochschild).

Author Bio

  • NameArlie Russell Hochschild
  • DescriptionProfessor, educator
  • BornJanuary 15, 1940
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionWriter; Sociologist
  • AwardsGuggenheim Fellowship