Quotes by Annie Finch

About Annie Finch:

Annie Finch is an American poet, writer, critic, playwright, teacher, and entrepreneur. She has published six books of poetry along with many popular anthologies and books about poetry. The Dictionary of Literary Biography names her "one of the central figures in contemporary American poetry" because of her influence on the postmodern practice of formalism in poetry and on feminist poetics. Finch's writings about poetry frequently focus on form, meter, and rhythm and on women's poetic traditions. Her prose articles and columns, in The Huffington Post and elsewhere, often focus on witchcraft and women's spirituality. In the title essay of her book The Body of Poetry, Finch connects her poetry's frequent thematic focus on nature and the body, and also its attention to pattern and sound, with her religious path of earth-centered spirituality.

Author Bio

  • NameAnnie Finch
  • DescriptionAmerican poet
  • BornOctober 31, 1956
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionLinguist; Author; Translator; Poet; Librettist